
Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Great Time Eater

I hate computers. Sometimes. I am now starting this blog entry for the second time because of course the browser quit working and I lost everything I had type in. ARRRGGGGG.

I sat down this morning to do a few things on the computer. Read and answer email, update the Quilts on the Wall website with some new Call for Entries of other shows and then some general clean up on the computer. I gave myself a two hour window to get this done. It has now been FIVE and A HALF hours! I cannot believe it. I still have errands to do and a few other things scheduled. I did have some lunch so it has not been a total computer day.

I hope everyone's computer time goes as planned.
Have a great day.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fun in AZ

David and I got back from AZ last evening. We had a great time while we were there visiting family and eating. We did a lot of that. My sister cooked a great turkey dinner and David did a traditional Italian holiday dinner.

Got to play a little bit and show my sister and Mom my current technique that I have been playing with.

We also got to visit a wonderful artist in the area, MaryEllen Searcy. She does fabulous things. I was allowed to take some pictures of her work and I hope that by studying them I can learn from her work. I would love to be able to take some classes but alas, we are 450 miles away. She does amazing hand work on her pieces and does wonderful abstractions of landscapes.